Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Process Has Started

Dear Body, 

you are officially on notice!  I've done everything I could to prepare you for this pregnancy.  No caffeine, no alcohol, healthy foods, lots of water, and pre-natal vitamins.  Despite all that, something went wrong and I appreciate you realizing early on that our little one wasn't going to do well and therefore, you stopped the growing process.  In return for your favor, I decided to let you do what you're supposed to do and miscarry naturally, on your own terms contrary to the notion that carrying around remnants of our little one for WEEKS doesn't quite sit well with me.  Please, please, please let go! If you don't, my doctor is wanting me to take Cytotec which will MAKE YOU let go and put both of us in a decent amount of uncomfortableness.  

For both our sakes, please let go and let us both move on.    

Since last Wednesday I've been waiting around and trying my absolute best to be patient and let my body do what it's supposed to do.  I thought things were starting to progress on Sunday evening when a wave of "not feeling right" came over me, I started cramping, and had a lot of back pain.  Turns out, I was right....sort of.  I had one episode of bleeding.  Afterwards, I geared myself up for a night in the bathroom but that didn't occur.  While fitful, I slept in bed and overall had an ok nights' sleep.  I woke on Monday thinking, today's the day!  Wrong again.  I called my doctor to let them know I thought the process was starting but not too much has happened; some cramping, bleeding, back ache, brown mucus-y stuff but nothing major and certainly nothing I could justify waiting at home for.

The nurse I talked with (who has been an absolute Godsend throughout this process) said I may not have a "difficult" miscarriage (meaning hours and hours of heavy bleeding, hemorrhaging, passing out, etc.) and I might only contend with things like that for a couple weeks.  We decided I would go back to work the next day (today) as it seems my body was starting to do what I've been waiting for it to do.

I got another phone call today from the doctor's office to check in and while it seems things are kick-starting my doctor wants to call in a prescription for Cytotec if nothing's progressed by Wednesday.  I could wait to take the pills till the weekend so I'd be home and not have to take more time off from work.  Certainly NOT the way I'd want to spend my weekend.  Today I've had some more bleeding but nothing too much out of the ordinary.  Almost like the final two days of a period.

I asked if I could do anything to bring on the miscarriage and the nurse said being active might help.  Then I said, "While I'm not really in the mood, would sex help?"  To which she replied a resounding, "It might!"  Apparently, semen contains a chemical that helps to thin out a cervix.  (NOTE: I couldn't find any scientific data on Google to majorly support this claim.  I also didn't try very hard.)

Therefore, I've put hubby on his own notice that we have an appointment tonight.  He's more thatn willing and happy to be of assistance.  :)  I've been bleeding more today so between that and tonight's interlude I'm hoping it'll get things going in the right direction....without needing medical intervention.

Stay tuned....

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