Wednesday, January 21, 2015

No, I've Not Passed Anything Hamburger-like

I've been asked that question twice in the last two days which leads me to believe that until I pass something resembling what one turns into a patty, puts between bread, and adds ketchup, my doctor's office isn't going to get off the medical intervention train.  Not that I'm complaining....I'm very grateful to have a doctor's office who hasn't given up on me and upon finding out I had an non-viable pregnancy left me to my own defenses.  They've called me every day to see how I'm progressing (and feeling emotionally) and today when I stressed my fears and anxieties about taking the Cytotec, they were very understanding and were ok with letting me go with plans to check in with me daily.  

I'm bleeding more today but still no heavy flow that the doctor's office is expecting and of course, no hamburger-like tissue to speak of.  I'm more consistently cramp-y today but nothing I've needed to take Advil for.  Hubby and I had our little interlude last night which I think helped.  Might just have to have another one tonight.  :)  

For now, my doctor is ok with letting me take each day as it comes since things seems to be picking up.  Simply praying they continue to do so.  I'm not trying to rush my body into doing anything but, seriously, it's time to let go.  

The waiting continues..... 

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