Friday, January 16, 2015

Looking at This as a Practice Run

Even though I've never birthed a baby before I imagine the last minute prep to be similar to that of prepping for a miscarriage.

From what my mommy friends have described feeling in the last few days of labor, they find themselves timing each cramp/contraction, waiting for the loss of the mucus plug, and wondering with each feeling if it's "go time."

The last two days I've been sitting at home waiting for my body to let go of the remains of our little one.  With each cramp, pull, tug, and backache I think, is it "go time"?  I'm having more brown CM, and with each trip to the bathroom I'm ever watchful for blood and always waiting for that feeling that something just came out of me.

Women giving birth pack for a trip to the hospital; in addition to things for the new arrival, I imagine they also pack pads, a change of clothes, and granny panties.

In preparation for my miscarriage I packed for a trip to the bathroom; pads, trash bags, granny panties.  I won't allow our current situation to keep me confined to the house so until I miscarry I'll pack a bag to bring with me on outings; a change of clothes, Advil, trash bags, granny panties.  Oh, those dreaded granny panties.

I can't speak to the actual labor or miscarriage, I'll follow up after all is said and done but I imagine the prep to be somewhat similar so with that being said I'm choosing to look at this miscarriage as my practice run to actually giving birth.  The only difference is that at the end of my practice run I don't get the grand prize....and that's what still hurts.

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