Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Surviving the "Not-A-Blizzard-For-Us" of 2015

I, like so many of you, woke up this morning slightly disappointed that we didn't get more snow.  I, too, was looking forward to a snow day, wrapped up in a blanket, spending the day with hubby on the couch.  I noticed that many people on social media were downright angry and trash-talking the meteorologists, which in my opinion, is completely uncalled for.  Instead of getting frustrated might I encourage you to look at this a different way.

1.  We're only a little over a month into winter and I think Mother Nature has plenty of time to show us her stuff; and I have no doubt she will.

2.  Meteorology is not an exact science.  From the get-go weather stations were saying that models were all over the place with this storm and every time a run came in it would throw off the whole forecasted prediction.  Meteorologists work with the information science gives them and they interpret it the best they can.  If you're upset that you over-prepared you did so because you got a heads up from your local weather station.  Better to be over prepared than under prepared, right?  We joke that meteorology is the only profession that can be wrong 100% of the time and not be fired.  Well, it's also the only profession that if you're wrong OR right, you get crucified because you can't please everyone.  Also, while most of us spent the last few nights warm and cozy in our beds, the meteorologists were up for days on end with little sleep trying to decipher models and data so they could give us the most accurate information possible in a timely manner.

3.  While we "survived the blizzard of 2015" there are people in the New England area who may not be so lucky.  So today, take comfort in the fact that you're not out in the bitter cold shoveling feet of snow, you can fairly easily get to where you need to go today with little issue, you have electricity, heat, and hot water....there may be many people up north unable to say the same.

4.  If the fact that you didn't get the amount of snow you wanted is the biggest complaint you have today consider yourself lucky!  There are many out there fighting battles you know nothing about.

Now, I'm not trying to annoy or offend anytone with this post, just trying to encourage you to look at things another way and get a different perspective.  And cheer up, I hear the whispers of another snow storm next Sunday into Monday.  :)

PS: My heart does go out to the school kids.  If I was still in school and spent the last 24-48 hours hoping for a snow day only to wake up this morning and see nada, zilch, zero, I'd be upset to.


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