Friday, January 23, 2015

I Get a Pass on the Cytotec....For Now.

Each day things get a little more interesting.  Last night I got another wave of physically not feeling right.  All day I had been getting increasing cramps in my lower abdomen and in my back.  My stomach was not behaving either so I basically felt like crap - thank goodness for the very floral candle in the bathroom at work.  I made it through the work day and told hubby that I wasn't feeling too sparky and to not be surprised when he got home if I was sprawled out on the couch or laying in bed.  He said not to worry and that he would take care of dinner.  I do love that man of mine!

I got home from work, took a shower and let the hot water relax my ever contracting stomach and back, put on clean jammies and made my way to the couch where my heating pad and blankets were waiting for me, ahh.....relief.

Periodically through the night I would have to visit the rest room where I noticed more bleeding and the passing of small clots - probably the size of my pinkie nail surface.  I went to bed around 10:00pm and had a fitful night's sleep.  This morning I had some more cramping but noticed that it eased up somewhat.  Upon my bathroom visit this morning I heard a "plop" and when I went to investigate I couldn't see too much due to the bloody water, so not sure what that was but I took it as a good sign that something passed.

As usual, my doctors office called to check in. I gave them the run down and kindly asked to forgo the Cytotec.  They seemed pleased with my progress and said it seemed like I was actively miscarrying so they were alright with my choice.  They'll check in with me on Monday and I have a follow up scheduled next Friday.

I'm hoping my body continues to do what it is doing and releases all of what was once our little love bug....which has now been reduced to "remnants of conception".  If not, then we may have to revisit the Cytotec versus a D&C conversation.

For now, things are progressing and when I look ahead I see that light which marks the end of the tunnel.

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