Thursday, March 19, 2015

I Just Don't Think I'm Ready

I've been doing really well recently in regards to the anxiety.  I'm on a low dose of Lexapro and for the most part that keeps things pretty steady.  I'm driving places without looking at my traffic app all the time which is a huge thing for me.  I'm scheduling trips requiring me to drive longer distances by myself on major highways, and the thought of having to go to the dentist isn't as scary as it was a few weeks ago.

However, there is this one opportunity that is being presented to me and I just don't think I'm ready for it.  I am a member of a local improv group.  I have been for the last two years and for the most part we perform quite locally at small venues and at our own little home theater.  There's a major improv marathon festival coming up over the summer at a major city.  All my fellow players are on-board but I have extreme reservations; not about performing but about being in that environment.  It's been years since I've been to this city and getting around is done best by taking the subway.  I'm quite worried about having an anxiety attack and not be close to home or having someone around with whom I feel "safe".

I talked to hubby about it and he's supporting me either way and offered to go with me - he's so sweet! I just feel like I'm making progress with the small steps I'm making and just worried that if I take a big leap and go to the marathon it may set me back.  Or it could push me forward....

I'm stuck.

I hate giving in to the anxiety but also don't want to ruin what I think it pretty major progress for me.  Not to mention the fact that I'm just not a city girl.

I don't know what I'll do but I'll be sure to keep you posted.  Words of encouragement are much appreciated.  :)

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