Monday, March 30, 2015

A Bite In My Butt

I'll admit I was a bad patient and now my actions are coming back to bite me in the ass.  Our last appointment with the ob/gyn was Friday, February 6th.  Hubby and I got word that all but a little bit of blood had been expelled and the little bit remaining would more than likely pass with the next visit from Aunt Flo.  We left about as elated as you can be at what we thought was the end of our miscarriage journey with prescriptions to get two blood draws to monitor my HGC levels back to zero.  About five days later I went and got the first blood draw....129.  I thought that was a good number and I should be at zero in a few days.  I didn't go back for the second blood draw.  I was stupid.

Then, on Monday March 2 I started my period.

Then, yesterday, I got my period again.

Neither have been extremely heavy and to be honest they're "easier" than they ever were when I was on birth control.  Very little to no cramping, no heavy flow, no leaking, etc.  And from what memory can recall they've been easier than my periods were BEFORE I was on birth control.

I started to get somewhat concerned so today I called my ob/gyn to ask if there's any possibility the blood didn't pass and could be sitting there not letting me have a normal flow period (normal for me).  Of course, the first thing they want to do is check my levels, so I ran over to the Labcorp and had blood drawn.  I should know the result tomorrow morning.

In the meantime I'm doing what I shouldn't be doing....Googling.  I am praying that all is ok.  Hubby and I were wanting to start the baby making process again this month and I'll feel like a complete ass if, due to my ignorance and not thoroughly following up with proper blood work, we need to have additional medical intervention that will push us back another couple of months.

A can of worms I do not want to open.

How can I have two bleeding cycles if I've retained anything?
Wouldn't I have other symptoms if I did?  Fever?  Odor?  Cramps?  Something??

We thought this part of our journey was over and that we could move forward.  Praying it is and I'm worrying over nothing.

I'll be sure to keep you updated.  However, if you're in the same boat LISTEN TO YOUR DOCTOR!  

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