Thursday, February 26, 2015

A Very Special Visitor

It's interesting the path one's life takes.  Almost a year ago I started on a spiritual journey of sorts.  I started having an interest in yoga and meditation and wanted learn more about the seven chakras, Reiki and different levels of holistic healing.  Since then I've added different types of yoga into my routine, have gone to several meditation groups, and had a few Reiki sessions.  It's been such a wonderful thing and I know my anxiety has been better because of it.

My yoga instructor is also a Reiki Master.  He also knows about my storm and being the wonderful person he is, offered me a free healing session which happened last night.  Now, when I have these sessions I don't go in with any expectations other than to feel better afterwards.  I'm always hoping for a visitor or two or a message but don't get upset if there isn't.

I laid on the table, listened to the soft hum of the music, inhaled the calming scent of the oils, and drifted off.  I've not quite gotten to the point where I can go outside of myself when I meditate or relax so I was still fully aware of my surroundings, but it was nice to not worry about anything other than myself for an hour.  I had a few annoying thoughts that came my way, "what's for dinner?", for example.  I acknowledged it and let it go.  Eventually those annoying thoughts went away and I just relaxed.  Throughout my session I felt tingling in my body but one of the most exciting things that happened was I felt a presence!  I felt someone standing right over my left shoulder.  I couldn't make out who it was or what it was but there was certainly something or someone standing over me (and no, it wasn't my yoga guy).  The being didn't stay very long and I didn't get any information but I was being watched over and it was a wonderful feeling of peace and serenity.

My session ended all too soon and before I knew it I was being asked how I felt.  My yoga guy told me that I did indeed have visitors.  When he set his intention for the session and invited my angels and those who guide me in to the room he told me it was like a flood of spirit and he got very hot.

And then...

He said a little blonde girl came into the room, put a flower over my heart, and hovered over me.  She apparently stayed throughout the session but my yoga guy did ask her to step aside as he found himself focusing on her and not me.  I started to cry because, while we never got to the point in our pregnancy where we found out if it was a girl or boy, I always felt in my heart that it was a little girl and that my visitor was our daughter coming through to say, "It's ok, mom.  I'm ok".

I just felt so much better and relieved that she's ok, not that I had any doubt, but she's alright and I did get to visit with her for a little bit.

I'm continuing on this journey and approaching it as I do my Reiki sessions - no expectations other than to feel better than before.  I think it's a good approach.      

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