Thursday, July 2, 2015

I Did It!

Last weekend was the trip to New York and not only did I do it but I had fun!  I conquered my anxiety and rode in a train, maneuvered around the biggest city in the country, performed, and to top it all off I even RODE THE SUBWAY!  Twice!

I can't say my anxiety didn't pop up but I remembered all my little tips and tricks and they worked.  I had a fun weekend and was super proud of myself.  It's hard to believe that a few months ago I was seriously contemplating not going for fear of having an anxiety attack but I persevered, held strong, had faith, believed I could do it...and I did!  Woohoo!

Anxiety - 0; Me - 1

In other news the pup continues to add laughter and chaos to our world.  We struggled for a couple weeks with some separation anxiety (must run in the family) She got out of her kennel once and did a whirlwind of a mess in the den where she chewed on papers and boxes, and laid all over things she wasn't supposed to and finished up her meal with a dessert of hubby's X-Box controller (man, he was pissed!  I didn't think she's live through that one - just kidding!).  The following days found her tearing up the plastic pan at the bottom the kennel, chewing up her bed, and physically moving her kennel from it's place.  After contacting our vet, talking to a trainer, and consulting other dog parents, we seem to have gotten things under control.  Mira now sports a pheromone collar and we periodically spray her kennel with calming scents.  We walk her in the morning before we go to work to tire her out and she only gets special toys when it's time to go in the kennel.  So far it's been working.  This morning, she even went in her kennel before being asked.  She trotted on in and laid down waiting for her treats.  I think she's beginning to realize that yes we do leave her but we always come home.

Mira - 0; Us - 1

Baby making continues.  It's officially been three cycles of trying and it's beginning to get a little frustrating.  I know many couples try for months, sometimes years, to conceive so three months really isn't complaint worth.  I guess my thought process was we got pregnant so quickly the first time that we wouldn't struggle going forward.

I've been tracking my cycles with an app called Period Tracker and that's been helpful but my cycles haven't been super regular.  When I started tracking my first period was only four days.  Twenty-eight days later the next one came.  Perfect!  Well that cycle was five days and then I didn't get the next one for thirty-eight days!  The third one came twenty-eight days later and here I am waiting on the fourth cycle and I'm on day thirty-two.  And before you ask, yes I did take a pregnancy test....negative.

These irregular cycles make it hard to figure out when we should concentrate on baby-making.  We've not gotten to the point where I'm tracking my daily temperature, checking CM and CP, etc. but I have a feeling we may be heading in that direction.  I was told by my doctor that if I wasn't preggo by August to come back and see her so that's what our plan is.  We have two more cycles to make something happen and then we'll call in the big guys for some assistance.

No Baby P. 2.0 - 1; Us - 0.

Stay tuned....