Monday, May 11, 2015

The Whirlwind of Life

Goodness, it's been a while!  I was posting pretty regularly, I blink, and over a month has gone by; but what a month it's been.

A New Family Member:
Meet Mira, our newest addition.  She's 70 lbs of love and excitement wrapped up in a Husky/Shepard/Lab mix of a dog.  Rewind to the day before our second wedding anniversary when I talked hubby into going to the local Humane Association to "just look" at the pups they had up for adoption.  He reluctantly agreed (happy wife, happy life) and off we went.  Mira, formally named Bailey (Humane Association name), was the second dog we spent some time with.  Her rambunctious spirit and kind nature endeared her to us enough that even hubby was ok with putting in an application for her.  We were approved pretty quickly and went back the next day, which was our anniversary, to picked her up.

We've had her for a little over a month and she's been wonderful!  We don't know her back story but the shelter estimates she's three years old.  She was transferred out of a high-kill shelter in West Virginia and made her way north and was up here for a little bit before our path crossed with hers.  We were told she must have had a family at one point because she's pretty well mannered and knows a few basic commands; sit, come, kennel.  She's great with other dogs, loves people of all ages, and, thankfully, got used to her new name rather quickly.  She loves walks but pulls on her leash and when she gets excited she likes to jump on people but we're working to fix those quirks and have enrolled her in some basic manners classes starting next week.

It's hard to imagine what life was like before her and even hubby has taken a shine to her!  And yes, she has two different colored eyes.  :)


Trying Again:
After two consecutive visits from Aunt Flo, hubby and I started trying to conceive baby 2.0.  I downloaded Period Tracker, a free app where you can store information pertaining to your monthly visitor as well as symptoms, and times you were intimate.  In return it gives you predicted times of ovulation.  Therefore you can time your marathon baby-making accordingly.  However, it's all just an estimate so nothing is 100% certain, as we found out this month.  It was our first month trying since our miscarriage and we knew, even with trying to time things right, it could take some time so we weren't upset when my period came.  What was frustrating though, was that my period was not one or two days late but TEN!  So, during that time frame I took four pregnancy tests (not cheap) but was somewhat relieved when it did come but man, those ten days were filled with every thought from "I'm pregnant" to "There's something wrong" and everything in between.  Aunt Flo has come and gone and hubby and I will continue with baby-making and we'll see what happens this month.  If Baby 2.0 hasn't jumped on board by the end of the summer I'll make an appointment with my OBGYN.  Stay tuned and all good thoughts, prayers, vibes, and well wishes are appreciated.

I'm an only child and getting to a point in my life where the transition from child to caretaker has begun.  Last year my mom underwent two major, life altering surgeries and was diagnosed with colon cancer.  Thankfully she fought a good fight and won her cancer battle and today is considered cancer free.  However, while undergoing chemo she had to stop some of her other medication, and as a result lost some of her muscle stability in her legs.  She has psoriatic arthritis which was manged by Enbrel.  For the last few weeks her legs have been getting worse with stiffness and pain.  She goes back to see her arthritis doctor this week and we're hoping she'll get back on the Enbrel.  That, combined with physical therapy, should get her to rights....hopefully.  It's been hard for her and my dad.  They came up on Saturday but stayed outside because my mom can't do the stairs to get into my home.  Thankfully it was a nice, warm day so staying outside was doable.  

My dad underwent back to back cataract surgery a couple weeks ago.  He was nervous and unsure about it.  I would be too!  Not only are you awake for that surgery but you've got lasers and instruments coming at you and should you flinch or move, who knows what would happen!?  However, he was a trooper and after some time of fear and regret, he's on the mend.  Last weekend, I took him out to get his first pair or sunglasses.  Yes, his first. He's been wearing glasses for over 60 years and now, thanks to the surgery, should only need readers.  So, he sports a snazzy pair of sunglasses and when reading puts on those glasses that sit on the bridge of his nose.  He'll head back to his eye doctor at the end of the month and probably get a prescription pair.  

My parents are aging and at times it scares me.  Other times I know it's the circle of life and all I can do it attempt to take care of them the way they did me when I was little.  

Other Things:
Work, volunteer activities. improv group, working in the yard, friends, family, etc.... That's all been keeping me busy as well.  Life is good and I'm excited to see where it takes me!